P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan
Professor in Charge of the Academy at IITD
P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan (PhD – IIT Kanpur) is Abdulaziz Alsagar Chair Professor at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He researches and teaches subjects on the interaction of information and communication technologies (ICTs), society, and business.
Dr Ilavarasan was named as one of the top 2% cited scholars in the world in 2022, as per the Elsevier and Stanford study. He has been a visiting research fellow at the United Nations University (Macau), Curtin University, and The University of Queensland. He received the Outstanding Young Faculty Fellowship Award from IIT Delhi, and Professor M.N. Srinivas Memorial Prize of the Indian Sociological Society. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at LIRNEasia, a leading regional ICT policy and regulation think tank. He has received large research grants from the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India), ICSSR (India), IDRC (Canada), Oxford Analytica (UK), IPTS (European Commission), CIPPEC (Argentina), Ford Foundation, and several more. He is a section editor of Society and Politics, Heliyon (Elsevier & Cell Press). His research has appeared in all leading international journals and conferences of repute.
Dr Ilavarasan commenced as the Professor in Charge of the Academy (PICA) at IITD in January 2024.
Read more about Dr Ilavarasan on the IITD website.