IITD Supervisor Science and Mathematics

Professor A.D. Rao

Centre for Atmospheric Sciences

UQ Supervisor

Associate Professor Abdullah Mamun

Institute for Social Science Research

IITD Supervisor Engineering

Professor Abhijit Majumdar

Department of Textile and Fibre Engineering

IITD Supervisor IT and Computer Science

Assistant Professor Abhilash Jindal

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

IITD Supervisor Engineering

Assistant professor Abhishek Das

Innovative Joining and Advanced Manufacturing (iJAM)

IITD Supervisor
UQ Supervisor Engineering

Dr Aditya Khanna

School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering

External Supervisor Engineering

Mr Aditya Ramji

UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies

UQ Supervisor

Associate professor Adrian Athique

School of Communication and Arts

IITD Supervisor Business Management Economics and Law

Assistant professor Agam Gupta

Department of Management Studies