Partnering for impact

UQ–IITD Research Academy welcomes partnerships with business and industry partners, governments, and world-class institutions. By collaborating with our researchers and PhD students you can leverage our world-class expertise and work together to find solutions to today’s technical, social, economic and environmental challenges.

By becoming a UQ–IITD Research Academy partner, you will gain access to some of the best global talent, who work on goal-directed, cross-disciplinary challenges that are of interest to Australia, India and the world. All in collaboration with two world-leading institutions, The University of Queensland and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.

Two people standing a looking at Gatton solar farm

Ways to partner with us

Partnerships with the Academy can take many forms, including joint supervision of PhD students, sponsorships of PhD students, fellowships, access to research experts, research consultancy, commercialisation, internships and placements, and short-term tailored training courses.

Find solutions to your research problems

Bring your challenges and research questions you want addressed, and our students can help explore them through our international collaboration.

Sponsor students

Our program is designed to prepare our students to find solutions to real-world problems. Industry-supported PhD scholars will work on challenging research problems posed and defined by industry partners.

Be a supervisor, mentor, or guest speaker

Use your expertise to co-supervise PhD students alongside the UQ and IITD supervisors, mentor the next generation of leaders, volunteer to judge students competitions, or be a guest speaker at an event.

Host internships

Our students can provide your organisation with innovative ideas, new perspectives, a range of up-to-date technical skills, and an eagerness to learn. Hosting PhD students at your organisation is a great way to expand research links and offer career-development opportunities for early-career researchers.

Become a partner

Contact the Program Director for Partnerships & Business Development to find out more

Get in touch