Aisha Noor

About Aisha

Aisha completed her Master of Science (Biotechnology) and Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She completed her master’s project in Nanotechnology which focused on the formulation of nanoparticles to be used as biosensors and for targeting drugs.

Project details

Novel topical formulations for the treatment of diseases and infections of the skin

The development of cost-effective means to extract polyphenols from biomass, and biosynthetic silver nanoparticle production processes, which will be combined as complexes or pharmaceutical formulations to improve wound healing and treat microbial infections in psoriasis and post-cancer treatment.

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UQ Supervisor

Associate Professor Peter Moyle

School of Pharmacy
IITD Supervisor

Professor K.K. Pant

Department of Chemical Engineering