Systems modelling for renewable energy transition under different conditions

About this project

Project description

While energy transition to renewables is expected to affect many countries, the actual pathways can be quite different under different conditions and involve different models for energy production and storage. The three main conceptual models for renewable energy production: — 1) local subsistence 2) distributed interconnected network and 3) concentrated production and storage. Realistic energy systems involve a combination of all three models but these combinations are likely to have different compositions for different conditions.

In addition to different conceptual models, generation of energy can have a different mixture of renewable and non-renewable sources, of solar and wind generation, of different forms of storage, etc. Energy storage is an important component that stabilizes renewable energy production. Different forms of energy storage (synchronous condensers, batteries, compressed air storage, pumped hydro storage, chemical (hydrogen) storage) have different characteristic times and different required infrastructure. Using these forms of energy storage is determined by both conceptual models for energy production and availability of resources.

This project is aimed at suggesting optimal energy production and storage compositions for both Australia and India, which have very large differences in the population density and, therefore, are likely to need different models for development of renewable energy. While it can be expected that renewable energy production in India will tilts towards local subsistence- type production, Australia is likely to pursue large-scale, export-oriented production and storage. The goal of these project is to create and compare models for renewable energy transition suitable for India and/or Australia.


Creating models for energy transition to renewable production characterized by a combination of components (as outlined above).

Identifying optimal configurations, performing comparisons and determining similarity and differences for renewable energy transition in Australia and India.

Information for applicants

Essential capabilities

Deep interest in next generation engineering and evolving energy technology, knowledge of applied math

Desireable capabilities

Systems thinking, open mindedness

Expected qualifications (Course/Degrees etc.)

BTech/BE or MTech degree in Engineering or Applied science

Project supervisors

Principal supervisors

UQ Supervisor

Dr Alexander Klimenko

School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
IITD Supervisor

Assistant professor Mayank Kumar

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Additional Supervisor

Dr Richard Yan

UQ School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science